Fan-in - MQTT Topics

Fan-in is a many-to-one communication pattern for consuming telemetry data from many devices through a single data processing channel.

This implementation focuses on the use of an AWS IoT Rule Action to put telemetry data onto Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose stream. The stream is a consolidation of data for multiple devices in a single plant. The stream invokes a Lambda function to enrich and transform telemetry message payloads, then delivers that data to an S3 bucket for storage and future analysis. Please refer to the MQTT Communication Patterns, specifically the Fan-in section. This whitepaper provides alternative topic patterns that go beyond the scope of this implementation.

Use Cases

  • Filter data
    • I want to remove all values that occur during a certain time frame
  • Transform data values into a ready to use format
    • I want to convert all Celsius temperature readings to Fahrenheit
    • I want to reformat sensor data into a standard format
  • Aggregate data
    • I want to calculate the sum, min, max, avg (e.g., aggregate function) from values from groupings of devices before storage
  • Enrich device data with data from other data stores
    • I want to add device metadata from our device model stored in a database

Reference Architecture

Fan-in via MQTT topics

  • Devices are the IoT things transmitting telemetry
  • AWS IoT Core is the MQTT message broker processing messages on behalf of the clients
  • IoT Rule performs the actions taken on the message
  • Kinesis is the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose stream for processing and delivering messages to a storage sink
  • Lambda runs your code to act on the incoming messages and transform or enrich them prior to storage
  • S3 is the Data Lake where data will land for storage and further analysis or ETL processing
  1. Devices establish an MQTT connection to the AWS IoT Core endpoint, and then publish message to the dt/plant1/dev_n/temp (data telemetry) topic. This is a location and device specific topic to deliver telemetry messages for a given device or sensor.
  2. The IoT Rule queries a wildcard topic dt/plant1/+/temp from the AWS IoT Core to consolidate messages across devices for plant1 and PUTs those messages onto a Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose stream.
  3. The Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose stream buffers messages, by time or size, into arrays of events then and notifies a Lambda function passing the event array along for processing.
  4. The Lambda function performs the desired action on the events returning them to Kinesis along with modifications to the data payload and a status of successful or failed processing of each event.
  5. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose finally delivers messages to the S3 bucket for later analysis and processing.
DevicesMQTT BrokerRuleStreamLambdaS3 BucketPublish, Transform, Enrich, and Storeconnect(iot_endpoint)publish("dt/plant1/dev_1/temp")publish("dt/plant1/dev_2/temp")publish("dt/plant1/dev_n/temp")select * from'dt/plant1/+/temp'put_records(events)handle(events)responseput_objects(enriched_events)


To experiment quickly, you can test this pattern out by publishing messages with the MQTT test client in the AWS IoT console or using the IoT Device Simulator. In a real world implementation you’ll configure multiple devices as AWS IoT Things that each securely communicate with your AWS IoT Core endpoint.

The configuration and code samples focus on the fan-in design in general. Please refer to the Getting started with AWS IoT Core for details on creating things, certificates, obtaining your endpoint, and publishing telemetry to your endpoint. The configuration and code samples below are used to demonstrate the basic capability of the Fan-in pattern. Refer to the AWS Lambda and Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Developer Guides for more in depth discussion of these services.


This implementation approach assumes all Devices are not connected to the internet or AWS Iot Core at all times. Each Device publishes temperature telemetry to a single topic. The implementation also assumes that all temperature readings are emitted with a sensor name value of Temperature Celsius or Temperature Fahrenheit and follow the message payload formats outlined below. Alternative options are also called out within the sections below.


Once connected to AWS IoT Core, devices will transmit telemetry data to plant and device specific MQTT topics. The below example demonstrates MQTT topics and payloads for device1 and device2 in plant1. Your implementation might support hundreds, thousands, or millions of devices. Copy and paste the below topic names and message payloads into the subscribe and publish inputs of the MQTT test client to simulate the device traffic we will fan-in. You can subscribe to each topic to view the messages device specific as you publish them or you can subscribe to the wildcard topic dt/plant1/+/temp to see messages in aggregate.

MQTT Topic name for the temperature of device1 in plant1.


Temperature in Celsius telemetry JSON payload for device1 in plant1.

    "timestamp": 1601048303,
    "sensorId": 17,
    "deviceSerial": "sd89w7e82349",
    "sensorData": [
        "sensorName": "Temperature Celsius",
        "sensorValue": 34.2211224

MQTT Topic name for the temperature of device2 in plant1.


Temperature in Fahrenheit telemetry JSON payload for device2 in plant1.

    "timestamp": 1601048303,
    "sensorId": 4,
    "deviceSerial": "324l5;k;a3",
    "sensorData": [
        "sensorName": "Temperature Fahrenheit",
        "sensorValue": 120.3806

AWS Lambda for Transforming Telemetry Data

In the AWS Lambda console create a new Lambda function. To use the code below, choose Author from scratch with a Python 3.8 runtime and paste the code below into the code editor. To create your own function, choose the Use a blueprint option and select the Blueprint kinesis-firehose-process-record-python which you’ll then modify per your requirements.

  1. Name your function fan-in_device_temperature_converter
  2. For Execution role choose Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions
  3. Click Create Function
  4. Switch from the Code view to the Configuration view and click Edit on the General Configuration pane
  5. Change the timeout to 3 minutes and 0 seconds the click Save (Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose requires at least a 1 minute timeout for a Lambda transformer)
import base64
import json

print('Loading function')

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    output = []

    for record in event['records']:
        payload = json.loads(base64.b64decode(record['data']).decode('utf-8'))

        transformedPayload = {}
        transformedPayload['deviceSerial'] = payload['deviceSerial']
        transformedPayload['timestamp'] = payload['timestamp']
        for data in payload['sensorData']:

            if data['sensorName'] == 'Temperature Celsius':
                transformedPayload['temperature'] = (data['sensorValue'] * 9/5) + 32  
                transformedPayload['temperature'] = data['sensorValue']

        output_record = {
            'recordId': record['recordId'],
            'result': 'Ok',
            'data': base64.b64encode(json.dumps(transformedPayload).encode('utf-8'))

    print('Successfully processed {} records.'.format(len(event['records'])))

    return {'records': output}    

The messages will be transformed by this function to the format below which is flattened out and has all temperature readings in Fahrenheit after converting from Celsius.

{"deviceSerial": "sd89w7e82349", "timestamp": 1601048303, "temperature": 93.59802032}
{"deviceSerial": "324l5;k;a3", "timestamp": 1601048303, "temperature": 120.3806}

In addition to using Lambda from Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, you can also leverage AWS IoT Analytics to achieve Fan-in processing of messages with transformations and enriching behaviors.

Amazon S3 Destination Bucket

Use the AWS Console or the AWS CLI to create a new S3 bucket as a destination for the Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream to land plant1 device data in. Replace <AccountId> with your AWS Account Id.

CLI Command

aws s3 mb s3://fan-in-telemetry-<AccountId>

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Destinations can also include Amazon Redshift, Amazon ElasticSearch, HTTP Endpoints and Third-party service providers.

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose

In the AWS Console for Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose

  1. Click Create Delivery Stream
  2. Name your stream fan-in_device_temperature_stream
  3. Leave Source as Direct PUT or other sources and click Next
  4. Choose Enabled for Transform source records with AWS Lambda and select the function created above fan-in_device_temperature_converter
  5. Leave Lambda function version as $LATEST
  6. Leave Record format conversion Disabled and click Next
  7. Leave your Destination as Amazon S3
  8. Under S3 Destination choose the bucket you created above fan-in-telemetry-<AccountId>
  9. Scroll down and click Next
  10. On the Configure settings screen scroll down and click Next
  11. On the Review screen click Create delivery screen

Alternatively, your AWS IoT Rule can achieve the Fan-in pattern with actions that send messages to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams where other applications can read and act on buffered telemetry data, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics to perform analytics processing of data real time with SQL or Apache Flink, SQS message queues where you can asynchronously process messages, or any other of of the supported AWS IoT Rule Actions.

IoT Rule

From the AWS IoT Console under the Act menu choose Create a Rule.

  1. Enter a name for your rule FanIn_Device_Temperature
  2. Provide a description like ‘Processes temperature data from all devices in plant1.’
  3. For Rule query statement leave the default SQL version of 2016-03-23 and replace the default query with select * from 'dt/plant1/+/temp'
  4. Add an action Send a message to an Amazon Kinesis Firehose Stream
  5. Click Configure Action and continue with details
  6. Select the Stream you created above fan-in_device_temperature_stream
  7. Leave Separator as ‘No separator’
  8. Create a new role and provide a name IoT_Rule_fan-in_Kinesis_Role
  9. Click Add Action
  10. Scroll down and click Create Rule


This implementation covers the basics of a device telemetry fan-in pattern. It does not cover certain aspects that may arise in production use.

Delayed Message Delivery

Devices may hold messages for delivery retries if connectivity to the MQTT Broker in AWS IoT Core is lost temporarily. The Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose stream marks events with timestamps on the approximate arrival of the event to the stream. Devices publishing telemetry messages should include a timestamp in the message that represents the true time the event took place. Further processing of the telemetry data stored in S3 is needed to create a folder structure based on the device event timestamp rather than the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose event timestamp if you plan to create partitions for ETL and analysis with AWS Glue and Amazon Athena.

Service Quotas

The primary consideration around service quotas for the Fan-in is outlined in the MQTT Communication Patterns section of the Designing MQTT Topics for AWS IoT Core whitepaper. Instead of using the Fan-in pattern over-subscribing multiple devices to a single device topic, use a topic per device and then use the AWS IoT Rules Engine with a wildcard subscription pattern to route to Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose as demonstrated in this implementation. In this implementation you should also be aware of the quotas applicable to each service used your implementation. Be sure to understand if any of these are a concern for your design and if they are adjustable.

  1. The AWS IoT Core Message Broker has service quotas around number of connect requests per second per account (500 - adjustable), per client (1 - not adjustable) as well as maximum inbound concurrent client connections, publish requests, subscription per connection and more.
  2. AWS IoT Rules Engine has service quotas that govern rule invocations per second (20,000 - adjustable), max actions per rule (10 - not adjustable) and more.
  3. Review the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose service quotas. Be aware that each delivery stream stores data records for up to 24 hours, the Lambda buffer size is between 1 MiB and 3 MiB, and the buffer interval ranges from 60 seconds to 900 seconds.
  4. AWS Lambda has service quotas around concurrent executions (1,000 - adjustable), storage for function and layer size, memory allocation (128 MB to 10,240 MB, in 1-MB increments), timeout (15 minutes - not adjustable), and more.
  5. With Amazon S3 while there are no specific concerns with this implementation you can make yourself familiar with the Amazon S3 service quotas to be aware of limits around bucket policies, replication rules, event notifications, object sizes, and more.